Giocom LLC and Giocom Sourcing EACS (Electronic and Avionic Component Services) are suppliers of electronic components and related parts and assemblies, widely distributed across a broad group of industries including Aircraft and Avionics, Military & Defense, Industrial, Automotive and Transportation, Commercial Office equipment, and Test & Measurement, including various hardware and assemblies used in applications for maintenance, replacements, spares and production.
In addition, we provide services including but not limited to; Pricing negotiations, Contractual terms, Risk Management, Cost Controls, Forecasting, Purchase & Delivery Planning, Scheduling, Export Controls, Licensing, EDI Integrations, Conferencing and Communications, Logistics services, Custom Packaging, AOG, 8130-3s, Inventory management, JIT delivery, & Long-Term contracts.
Our deeply rooted company values and pursuit of continuous improvement throughout the organization, in addition to the constant expansion of existing and new customer bases, are integral to the rapid growth that we have realized at GIOCOM. The resulting long term business relationships that have been developed, have lead us to a wonderful diversity that keeps us well balanced and strong today and into the future.
Thank you! To all our wonderful clients!